Tahina pancake recipe

Preparation time

5 minutes

Total Calories

88 kcal

Cooking time

20 minutes


14 persons


25 minutes



  • One medium ripe banana
  • Four tablespoon Syriana tahini paste
  • Half cup/50g raw almonds
  • Half cup/35g rolled oats (gluten-free)
  • Two tbsp/30ml or honey
  • One tbsp/15ml olive oil
  • ¾ cup/90g all-purpose gluten-free flour
  • One cup/240ml almond milk
  • Two teaspoon baking powder
  • Half teaspoon baking soda
  • One teaspoon cinnamon, vanilla, or lemon zest
  • In a food processor, put the almonds, rolled oats, and banana, and blend until you make a paste
  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients and the blended paste, and mix until well combined
  • Allow the batter to rest while heating up a non-stick pan or griddle over high/medium heat
  • When the pan is heated, lower the heat to medium and wipe over some vegetable oil
  • Pour ¼ cup of the batter for every pancake
  • When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, flip them over with a spatula
  • Repeat with the remaining batter
  • Top it with premium Syriana tahini and fresh fruits, and enjoy

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